Emerald - Emeralds are fascinating gemstones. They have the most beautiful, most intense and most radiant green that can possibly be imagined: emerald green. Inclusions are tolerated. In top quality, fine emeralds are even more valuable than diamonds. more
Ruby - Which colour would you spontaneously associate with love and vividness, passion and power? Obviously this will evoke the colour red. Red symbolizes love, it emanates warmth and a strong sense of life. Red is also the colour of Ruby, the King of gemstones. more
Sapphire - The sky is just a gigantic blue Sapphire stone into which the earth is embedded –Heart Sapphire this belief was cherished in ancient times. And, in fact, does there exist a better image to describe the beauty of an immaculate Sapphire of purest blue? more
Amethyst - Purple has long been considered a royal color so it is not surprising that amethyst has been so much in demand during history. Fine amethysts are featured in the British Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Catherine the Great and Egyptian royalty. more
Opal - All of Nature’s splendour seems to be reflected in the manifold opulence of fine Opals: fire and lightnings, all the colours of the rainbow and the soft shine of far seas. Australia is the classical country of origin. more
Topaz - The Egyptians said that topaz was colored with the golden glow of the mighty sun god Ra. This made topaz a very powerful amulet that protected the faithful against harm. The Romans associated topaz with Jupiter, who also is the god of the sun. more
Peridot - The vivid, slightly golden shimmering green of Peridot is the ideal gemstone colour to complement a light summertime outfit. This is no surprise – Peridot, after all, is assigned to the summer month of August. more
Aquamarine - From the light blue of the sky to the deep blue of the sea, aquamarines shine over an extraordinarily beautiful range of mainly light blue colours. Aquamarine is a fascinatingly beautiful gemstone. more
Citrine - Citrine is one of the most affordable gemstones, thanks to the durability and availability of this golden quartz. Named from the French name for lemon,"citron," many citrines have a juicy lemon color. more
Ametrine - Do you love both the purple of amethyst and the sunny gold of citrine? Are you a rabid Minnesota Vikings fan? I have the perfect gem for you! Sometimes amethyst and citrine colors are found in the same crystal of quartz. These bicolor yellow and purple quartz gemstones are called ametrine. more
Garnets - Garnets - aren’t these the wonderfully deep red gemstones which are often found in antique jewellery? Well, this is only the partial truth, as a warm and deep red is indeed the most frequently occurring colour for Garnets. But unfortunately only few people know that the realm of Garnets holds many more bright and beautiful colours. more
Tsavorite Garnet - Brilliant green Tsavorite is rather a young gemstone with a truly ancient geological history. Its native country is the bushland along the frontier between Kenya and Tanzania. The sparse mines there are situated in a uniquely beautiful landscape of dry grassland with bare and dry hills. more
Demantoid Garnet - The demantoid is one of the most brilliant gemstones that exist, yet until recently it was little known except among collectors and gemstone lovers. Strictly speaking it is a green garnet, or rather the star of the green garnets. Not without reason does it bear a name which means 'diamond-like'. more
Mandarin Garnet - Like fiery comets in the evening sky there appeared some ten years ago the first Mandarin Garnets in the gemstone trade. Experts and enthusiasts both agreed: the wonderful colours and excellent brilliance of the orange-red treasures are unique indeed. more
Tourmaline - Tourmalines are precious stones displaying a unique splendour of colours. According to an ancient Egyptian legend this is the result of the fact that on the long way from the Earth’s heart up towards the sun, Tourmaline travelled along a rainbow. more
Rubellite Tourmaline - Tourmalines Rubellite is an outstandingly beautiful gemstone from the colourful Tourmaline family. Its colours sparkle in the most beautiful shades from red to pink. more
Green Tourmaline - Tourmaline is a virtually unique colour miracle : this gemstone exists in red and green, blue and yellow, and even in colourless and black respectively. Often there are even two or more colours displayed in one and the same Tourmaline crystal. more
Paraiba Tourmaline - Small, rare and very valuable are those copper-containing Tourmalines mined at the Mina da Bathalha in the Brasilian state of Paraiba. The vivid turquoise blue to green colours are not shown by any other gemstone in the world, The exclusive uniqueness of the legendary occurrence make these rare gemstones real treasures. more
Yellow Tourmaline - Tourmaline is a virtual miracle of colours. It comes not only in green and red, colourless and black, or as multi-coloured or colour-changing precious stone or as chattoyant stone. more
Blue Tourmaline - Tourmalines may well claim to be the most colourful group of gemstones. They come in any colour variation, from green, red, blue to yellow, colourless and even black or multi-coloured. more
Multicored Tourmaline - Tourmaline is a virtually unique colour miracle. Crystals displaying just one colour are quite rare, usually one and the same crystal does in fact show various shades and colours. more
Tanzanite - Tanzanite is a very special and unique gemstone. World-wide it occurs only in one specific location. Its blue colour which shimmers in a slightly purplish hue is magnificent indeed. more
Lapis Lazuli - Lapis is a gemstone straight out of fairy tales of the Arabian Nights: deepest blue with golden shining Pyrite inclusions which twinkle like little stars. more
Fancy Sapphires - Sapphire is often considered to be synonynous with the color blue: you can easily picture sapphire seas. However, sapphire is beautiful beyond blue, in every color but red, because red is called ruby. more
Quartz - If you gaze deep inside a crystal ball, you will see a versatile gemstone, one of the most popular gems on earth. Beautiful quartz, the "rock crystal" used in ancient times to make crystal balls and bowls, is today more often seen set in gold jewelry. more
Jade - Jade – a gemstone of unique symbolic energy, and unique in the myths that surround it. With its beauty and wide-ranging expressiveness, jade has held a special attraction for mankind for thousands of years. more
Zircon - Hindu poets tell of the Kalpa Tree, the ultimate gift to the gods, which was a glowing tree covered with gemstone fruit with leaves of zircon. more
Iolite - When Leif Eriksson and the other legendary Viking explorers ventured far out into the Atlantic Ocean, away from any coastline that could help them determine position, they had a secret gem weapon: iolite. more
Spinel - Spinel is the great imposter of gemstone history: many famous rubies in crown jewels around the world are actually spinel. The most famous is the Black Prince's Ruby, a magnificent 170-carat red spinel that currently adorns the Imperial State Crown in the British Crown Jewels after a long history: Henry V even wore it on his battle helmet! more
Fire Opal - Fire Opal gemstones are something unique in the splendid world of Opals. Even in ancient times, in India and the Persian empire, in the empires of Central America and in Native American tribes they were cherished as symbols of deepest love. more
Moonstone - Moonstone shows an almost magical play of light as its characteristic feature. It owes its name to this mysterious gleaming which appears different whenever the stone changes its position in movement. more
Alexandrite - This rare gemstone is named after the Russian tsar Alexander II (1818-1881), the very first crystals having been discovered in April 1834 in the emerald mines near the Tokovaya River in the Urals. more
Chrysoberyl - Like the eye of a panther, cat's-eye chrysoberyl seems almost supernatural in origin. How could something so feline be mineral and not animal? more
Kunzite - Millions of years ago, deep in the bowels of our Earth, gemstones were created in innumerable variations. We are familiar with most of them, and indeed we have been so in most cases for thousands of years. more
Beryls - Colour appeals to our feelings directly. It makes us happy and cheerful, livens us up or calms us down, and has a magical or liberating effect. And where is colour more lastingly and more beautifully captured than in a gemstone? more
Morganite - Besides Emerald and Aquamarine, Morganite is probably the best-known member from the fabulous multi-coloured Beryl-group. Women all over the world love it because of its very fine pink colour which emanates charm, esprit and tenderness. more
Chrome Diopside - Chrome diopside won't win any contests for the most beautiful name. To most people, it sounds more like a car polish rather than a gemstone. But don't jump to any conclusions! Chrome diopside has a beautiful rich green color and an amazingly low price. more
Andalusite - Andalusite is named after Andalusia, the province of Spain where it was first discovered. Andalusite is pleochroic, different colors in different directions. more
Amber - Dinosaurs have been more popular than ever since their starring role in the movie Jurassic Park. A more surprising result of the movie's popularity has been a worldwide surge in demand for amber jewelry. more
Turquoise - Ancient and yet always at the height of current fashion: that is Turquoise for you. Its brilliant sky-blue belongs to the all-time favourite trend colours in the world of fashion and jewellery. more
Coral - Coral makes jewellery of a very special fascinating charm: the perfect embodiment of mankind’s yearning for summer, sun and faraway seas. The name as such, however, is still puzzling to linguists. more
Agate - No gemstone is more creatively striped by nature than agate, chalecedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a wide variety of colors and textures. Each individual agate forms by filling a cavity in host rock. more
Onyx - In jewelry design as in fashion, colors look crisper against a background of black and black and white always looks right. In fine jewelry, the black backdrop is often supplied by onyx, a chalcedony quartz with a fine texture and black color. more
Bloodstone - Bloodstone, green jasper dotted with bright red spots of iron oxide, was treasured in ancient times and long served as the birthstone for March. more
Jasper - Jasper is an ornamental rock composed mostly of chalcedony, microcrystalline quartz, in association with other minerals, which give it colorful bands and patterns. more
Pearl - Pearls are an organic gem, created when an oyster covers a foreign object with beautiful layers of nacre. Long ago, pearls were important financial assets, comparable in price to real estate, as thousands of oysters had to be searched for only one pearl. more
Diamond - Diamond is the modern birthstone for April, so we would like to take this opportunity to say a few words about fancy colored diamonds, which are more to our taste than the colorless type: more rare, more valuable, and way more colorful (although the colors can tend to be a little pale). more