Metal Density Comparing inch for inch, platinum is a heavier and denser metal than white gold. One can easily tell by the weight difference of the platinum.
Color Platinum has a darker white color than white gold. Platinum looks rather grayish. Over long periods of time, platinum maintains its grayish white color whereas white gold may eventually tinge to a very light yellow as a result of being exposed to skin acids.
Durability Platinum scratches easier than white gold.
Sheen White gold maintains its sheen longer than platinum. After polishing, white gold will look shinier for a longer time than platinum.
Wearability White gold wears thin over long periods of time. For example, a ring shank may have to be eventually replaced after fifty years. On the other hand, the shank on a platinum ring will remain as thick as it was on the day it was purchased.
Price The price of platinum is 3 to 4 times higher than the price of white gold
Maintenance Over time, occasional maintenance on platinum involves visits to the jeweler for re-polishing. Maintenance for white gold, however, can include re-polishing, rhodium finish re-plating, and/or eventual replacement of shanks.